1. Aquinas, St. Thomas: 1948, Summa Theologica, trans. by English Dominican Fathers, Benziger Brothers, New York.
2. Augustine of Hippo, St.: 1950, The City of God, trans. by W.J. Oates, Random House, New York, Vol. 1.
3. Battin, M.P.: 1982, Ethical Issues in Suicide, Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
4. Battin, M.D., and Mayo, D.J. (eds.): 1980, Suicide: The Philosophical Issues, St. Martin’s Press, New York.
5. Beauchamp, T.L.: 1976, ‘An Analysis of Hume’s Essay, “On Suicide”’, The Review of Metaphysics 30, 73–95.