1. OECD (1986). Recombinant DNA Considerations. OECD, Paris, HMSO.
2. EC (1990). Council Directive on the Contained Use of Genetically Modified Microorganisms, 90/219/EEC, Brussels, 20 March 1990, OJEC LI 17.
3. 90/220/EEC;EC,1990
4. Health and Safety Executive (1993). A Guide to the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 1992. HMSO, London, ISBN 0 11 882049.
5. DoE/ACRE Guidance note 1, The regulation and control of the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms. DoE publications, sales Unit, Block 3, Spur 2, Room 1/2 Government Buildings, Lime Grove, Eastcoat, HA4 8SE.