1. C. Esveld, Modern Railway Track, Thyssen Stahl AG, Duisburg (1989).
2. S. Timoshenko and B.F. Langer, Trans. ASME, 54 (1932) 277–93.
3. D.H. Stone and G.G. Knupp, eds., Rail Steels — Developments, Processing and Use, STP 644, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1978.
4. P.M. Besuner, in Rail Steels — Developments, Processingand Use, STP 644, D.H. Stone and G.G. Knupp, eds., ASTM, Philadelphia (1978), 303–329.
5. D.H. Stone and R.K. Steele, ibid., 21–62.