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2. Kumar, AN. “Current Methods in Qualification of CANDU Heat Transport Purraps For Under Loss-Of-Coolant-Accident (LOCA) Conditions”. Paper presented aat CN3AJCNS C June 12-15, 1988, at Winnipeg, Canada.
3. Kumar, A.N. and Burchett, P.R. “Operational Capability of Heat Transport Pumps Under Two-Phase Flow Conditions”. Paper published in Tribology International, June 1989, Volume 22, No. 3, Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., U.K.
4. Guelich, J,F., Bolleter, U., ‟Pressure Pulsations in Centrifugal Pumps”, Trans, of ASME, Vol. 114, April 1992,
5. Rzentkowski, G., “Two-Phase Flow Tests of a Centrifugal Pump” Proceedings of the Symp. on Engineering Applications of Mechanics, June 1994, Montreal, pp. 525-537.