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2. Beach, D. N. The Shona and Zimbabwe, 900–1850. London: Heinemann, 1980.
3. Biesele, Megan. ‘“And he stealthily lightened at his brother-in-law” (and Thunder echoes in Bushman oral tradition a century later).’ In Voices from the Past: /Xam Bushmen and the Bleek and Lloyd Collection. Janette Deacon and Thomas A. Dowson, eds. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1996, pp. 142–160.
4. Bleek, W. H. I. and L. C. Lloyd. Specimens of Bushman Folklore. London: George Allen, 1911.
5. Blier, Suzanne Preston. The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.