1. AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) 1972. Standard Format And Content Of Safety Analysis Report Of Nuclear Power Plants (Revised October 1972).
2. AEC (Atomic Energy Commission) 1973. Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plant, Reg. Guide 1.59.
3. ANS (American Nuclear Society) 1976. American National Standard for Determining Design Basis Flooding of Power Reactor Site, ANS 2.8, ANSI N170.
4. Bodine, B.R. 1971. Storm Surge on the Open Coast: Fundamentals and Simplified Prediction, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, TM No. 35.
5. COE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) Waterways Experiment Station 1960. Floods Resulting from Sudden Breached Dams, Conditions of Minimum Resistance, Miscellaneous Paper No. 2–374