1. K.Butti and J.Perlin (1977), ‘Solar water heaters in california 1890–1930 ’ The Co-Evolution Quarterly, 413, Published by the Whole Earth Catalog.
2. J.E.Scott (1976), ‘The solar water heater Industry in South Florida: History and Projections’ Solar Energy, 18 (5).
3. G.G.Ventre and S.Chandra (1979), ‘Solar energy in Florida: present and future prospects’, Energy note from florida Solar Energy Centre, pp. 4.
4. F.A.Brooks (1936), °Solar energy and its uses for heating water in california’, bull. Calif. Agric. Exp. Sta.,No. 602.
5. H.C.Hottel and B.B.Woertz (1942), ‘The performance of flat-plate solar heat collectors’, Trans. ASME, 64, 91104.