1. ALBERT, T.M. 1976. Technical information programs of the Federal Energy Administration. Proceedings. Geoscience Information Society 6: 44–51.
2. AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1970. A concept of an information system for the geosciences. Falls Church, Virginia, 23 pp.
3. AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1977. GeoRef thesaurus and guide to indexing. 1st ed. Falls Church, Virginia, 391 pp.
4. AMERICAN GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. No date. Design of an experimental cooperative network for sharing information and data resources in geology; a proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation. Falls Church, Virginia (not paged, mimeographed).
5. AUSTIN, T.B. 1977. Challenges in meeting public needs for science information. EDS (Environmental Data Service Newsletter) November 1977: 2–6.