1. Adams, Ronald S. 1963. Reforestation studies. Calif. Dept. Conserv., Div. of Forestry Pub., 14 pp., illus.
2. Afanasiev, Michel, Albert Engstrom, Ernest W. Johnson. 1959. Effects of planting dates and storage on survival of eastern red cedar in central and western Oklahoma. Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. B-527, 19 pp.
3. Baker, F. S., C. F. Korstian. 1931. Suitability of brush lands in the Intermountain Region for the growth of natural or planted western yellow pine forests. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. 256, 82 pp., illus.
4. Baker, F. S., et al 1955. California’s forest regeneration problems. Calif. Div. of Forestry, 45 pp., illus.
5. Baker, Kenneth F., Philip A. Chandler, Richard D. Durbin, and others. 1957. The U.C. system for producing healthy container-grown plants. Univ. Calif. Agr. Ext. Serv. Manual 23, 332 pp., illus.