1. Pts. I.& II ASME papers 76-FE-19 and 20;RA Novak,1976
2. Katsanis, T. Use of arbitrary quasi-orthogonals for calculating flow distribution in a turbomachine. ASME J. Eng. Power, April 1966.
3. Denton, J.D. A time marching method for two and three dimensional blade to blade flow. Aer. Res. Co. R.& M 3775, 1975.
4. Bosman, C. and Highton, J. A calculation procedure for 3D time-dependent, inviscid, compressible flow through turbomachinery blades of any geometry. J.Mech Eng. Sci., Vol. 21, No. 1, 1979.
5. Thompkins, W.T. An experimental and computational study of flow in a transonic compressor rotor. Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T. June 1976.