1. A. H. Guth, Phys. Rev. D23, 347 (1981).
2. For thorough reviews of standard and inflationary cosmology see: E. W. Kolb and M. S. Turner, The Early Universe (Addison Wesley, Redwood City, C.A. 1990). A. Linde, Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology, (Harwood 1990) and ref. [5].
3. For more recent reviews see: M. S. Turner, astro-ph-9703197; astro-ph-9703196; astroph-9703174; astro-ph-9703161; astro-ph-9704062; astro-ph-9704024. A. Linde, in Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics, Proceedings of the Chalonge Erice School, N. Sánchez and A. Zichichi Editors, Nato ASI series C, vol. 467, 1995, Kluwer Acad. Publ. A. R. Liddle, astro-ph-9612093, Lectures at the Casablanca School Morocco, 1996.
4. G. Smoot, in the Proceedings of the Vth. Erice Chalonge School on Astrofundamental Physics, p. 407–484, N. Sánchez and A. Zichichi eds., World Scientific, 1997. A. R. Liddle and D. H. Lyth, Phys. Rep. 231, 1 (1993). A. E. Lange et al., astro-ph/0005004, S. Hanany et al., astro-ph/0005123, P. de Bernardis et al., Nature 404 (2000) 955.
5. for reviews of inflation, see R. Brandenberger, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 57, 1 (1985); Int. J. Mod. Phys. A2, 77 (1987) and ref. [2].