1. B. Wooley,virtual Worlds(Blackwell, London, 1992; reprinted by Penguin, London, 1993 ).
2. R. J. Boskovich, De spacio et tempore, ut a nobis cognoscuntur(Vienna,1755); English translation MA Theory of Natural Philosophy, ed. by J. M. Child (Open Court, Chicago, 1922; reprinted by MIT press, Cambridge, MA, 1966 ), p. 203–205.
3. T. Toffoli, The role of the observer in uniform systems, in Applied General Systems Research, ed. by G. Klir (Plenum Press, New York, London, 1978 ).
4. O. E. messier, Endophysics, in Real Brains, Artificial Minds, ed. by J. L. Casti and A Kariquist (North-Holland, New York, 1987), p. 25; Endophysics, Die Welt des inneren Beobachters, ed. by P. Weibel ( Merwe Verlag, Berlin, 1992 ).
5. K. Svozil, On the setting of scales for space and time in arbitrary quantized media(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory preprint LBL-16097, May 1983), a revised version of which was published in 11 NuovoCimento
96B, 127 (1986).