1. Ideas I,subsection 66, BG 193. I have provided my own translations of Husserl’s texts, sometimes translating rather freely for emphasis. My references are by subsections of the works referred to, and to an English translation where available. ‘BG“ followed by a number indicates the page number of the hardbound edition of the Boyce Gibson translation of Ideas I. I have worked from the 1950 German edition of this text, i.e. Ideen z einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Philosophie. Erstes Buch. Allgemeine Einfïihrung in die reine Phänomenologie,ed. Walter Biemel, Husserliana III (Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1950).
2. Edmund Husserl, Philosophie der Arithmetik, ed. Lothar Eley, Husserliana XII ( Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1970 ), p. 119.
3. Edmund Husserl, Logische Untersuchungen. Zweiter TeiL Untersuchungen zur Phiinomenologie und Theorie der Erkenntnis (Halle a. S.: Max Niemeyer, 1901 ).
4. Edmund Husserl, Die Idee der Phänomenologie: Fünf Vorlesungen, ed. Walter Biemel, Husserliana II (Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1958), p. 71
5. The Idea of Phenomenology, trans. W. P. Alston and George Nakhnikian ( The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973 ), p. 56.