1. Dye H.A. Geometrie contemporaine. Méthodes et Applications. Mir, Moscow, 1982, p. 371.
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3. Grenander U. Stochastic processes and statistical inference. — Arkiv for Matematik., 1950, v. 1, No.17, p.195–277.
4. Blum J.R., Eisenberg B. Conditions for metric transitivity for stationary Gaussian processes on groups. — The Ann. of Math. Statistics, 1972, v. 43, No. 5, p. 1737–1741.
5. Blum J.R., Eisenberg B., Hahn L.—S. Ergodic theory and the measure of sets in the Bohr group. — Acta Scientiarum Mathem., 1973, v. 34, p. 17–24.