1. Förderung der Auftragsforschung, Zwischenbilanz der Fördermaßnahme “Externe Vertragsforschung”, Köln 1983 (FhG/ISI and TU Berlin-Technologietransferstelle).
2. Studien zur Wirkungsanalyse der Fördermaßnahme “Forschungskooperation zwischen Industrie und Wirtschaft”, Böln 1987 (Battelle Institut).
3. The evaluation was carried out jointly by PROGNOS AG, Basel, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe. Many other experts collaborated in the investigation. In addition, central issues for the conception of the survey were discussed with the following experts: H.-J. Ewers, Berlin University, Hans Georg Gemiinden, Karlsruhe University, Gernot Grabher, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Håkan Håkansson, Uppsala University, Bengt-ke Lundvall, Aalborg University. For results of the study in detail see the exhaustive final report: Wolff, H.; Becher, G.; Delpho, H.; Kuhlmann, S.; Kuntze, U.; Stock, J., 1994: F&E Kooperation von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Bewertung der Fördermaßnahmen des Bundesforschungsministeriums, Heidelberg (Physica). Work on this study was completed in summer 1991.
4. In order to arrive at a relatively unified understanding of the term “R&D cooperations” for the written questionnaire, eight categories of technologyrelated collaboration were designated: R&D contracted out to a third party; collaboration regulated by contract, e.g. joint projects, joint ventures, joint research; joint development of new products and processes not regulated by contract. The other forms of technology-related collaboration include technoeconomic studies, common use of measurement and testing apparatus, computers, etc., the purchase or sale of licences/patents, student placements, doctoral, BSc and other theses and mutual exchange of technical information.