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2. AWWA Research Foundation. (n.d., but approximately 1990) Effective Watershed Management for Surface Water Supplies. Prepared by Richard W. Robbins, Joseph L. dicker, Douglas M. Bloem, and Bruce M. Niss. Denver Colorado: AWWA.
3. Beckhardt, Laurence (1995) New York City Watershed Agricultural Program Overview: Water Quality Protection through Public-Private Partnership between New York City and the Watershed Agricultural Council. New York: New York City Watershed Agricultural Council, Inc. Unpublished paper.
4. Benjamin, Sally, and David Belluck (1994) State Groundwater Regulation: Guide to Laws, Standards, and Risk Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
5. Bosso, Christopher J. (1987) Pesticides and Politics: the Life Cycle of a Public Issue. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.