1. Ajdukiewicz, K. (1929), K. (1929) “Logiczne Podstawy Naucania” (The Foundations of Teaching), 1928. Quoted here after Hiz (1978).
2. Ajdukiewicz, K. (1935) “Syntactic Connexion”, in Polish Logic, 1920–1939, Storrs
3. McCall (ed.), Oxford, Clarendon (1967), p.207–231.
4. Apostel, L. (1971) “Further Remarks on the Pragmatics of Natural Language”, in Y.Bar-Hillel (ed.) Pragmatics of Natural Language, Reidel, Synthese Language Library, Vol. 41.
5. Aqvist, L. (1965), A new Approach to the Logical Theory of Interrogatives, Filosofiska Foreningen, Uppsala 1965. New edition 1975, TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, Tubingen.