1. E. Adcock, Jr. (managing ed.), American Men and Women of Science, 1989–90, 17th edition, R.R. Bowker, New York, 1989.
2. J.W. Addison, Eloge: Alfred Tarski: 1901–1983, Ann. Hist. Comp. 6 (1984) no. 4, 335–336.
3. J.W. Addison, private communication, 1997.
4. D.J. Albers and G.L. Alexanderson, (eds.) Mathematical people: Profiles and inter-views, (Introduction by P.J. Davis) Published in collaboration with the Mathematical Association of America, Birkhaeuser, Boston-Basel-Stuttgart (1985).
5. D.J. Albers, G.L. Alexanderson, and C. Reid, (eds.) More mathematical people: Contemporary conversations, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, Boston, MA, (1990) and Academic Press, San Diego, CA (1994).