1. A historical account of the development of the subject is given in: F.A. Kroger, pp. 3–24 ‘Defects and Transport in Oxides’, ed. M.S. Seltzer and R.I. Jaffee, Plenum Press (1974).
2. R.J. Brook, pp. 331–364, Treatise on Materials Science and Technology 9 ., ‘Ceramic Fabrication Processe’, ed. F.F.Y. Wang, Academic Press (1976).
3. F.A. Kroger and V.J. Vink, pp. 307–435, Solid State Physics 3, ed. F. Seitz and D. Turnbull, Academic Press (1956).
4. F.A. Kroger, ‘The Chemistry of Imperfect Crystals’, 2nd revised edition, North-Holland (1973).
5. M. O’Keeffe, pp. 57–96, ‘Sintering and Related Phenomena’, ed. G.C. Kuczynski, N.A. Hooton and C.F. Gibbon, Gordon and Breach (1967).