1. Alvim Ferraz M.C. and Faria Ferraz M.C. (1987), Evolution of Air Pollution in Oporto Area, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
11, p. 43.
2. Alvim Ferraz M.C., Faria Ferraz M.C., Ferraz J.M. and Fonseca P.I. (1988), Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Oporto Area, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
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3. Loewenstein Y.C. and Festy B. (1988), État Actuel et Orientations des Études et Recherches sur la Pollution Intérieur des Locaux, Pollution Atmosphérique
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4. ISO/DIS-4220.2, 1982.
5. ABSOR NFX 43/005, 1977.