1. S. Mujtaba, R. Goldman “AL User’s Manual” — Standford University, Report n° STAN-CS-81-889 Third Edition, December 1981.
2. J.F. Miribel, E. Mazer, “LM Reference Manual” — Laboratory IMAG, Grenoble, France, Edition October 1982.
3. E. Mazer “LM-GED, Geometric programming of assembly robots” Proc. aAdvanced sSoftware in robotics, May 1983.
4. “User’s Guide To VAL, a robot programming and control system” Unimation Inc., Version 11 of 1979.
5. R.H. Taylor, P.J. Summer, J.M. Meyers, “AML, A manufacturing language” — The international journal of robotics research, Vol. 1 n° 3, 1982.