1. More, An Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness (London, 1660), p.240.
2. Ibid. On the impact of Descartes' cosmology in England see Jacques Roger, "The Cartesian Model and Its Role in Eighteenth-Century 'Theory of the Earth'", in Problems of Cartesianism, ed. T. Lennon, J. Nicholas, J. Davis (Kingston and Montreal, 1982) pp.95112
3. Peter Harrison, "The Influence of Cartesian Cosmology in England", in Descartes' Natural Philosophy, ed. S. Gaukroger, J. Schuster, and J. Sutton, ( London, 2000 ), pp. 16892.
4. Thomas Burnet, The Theory of the Earthchrw(133) the Last Two Books (London, 1690), Epistle Dedicatory (p.231). All citations from Bumet’s Sacred Theory (Books I-IV), are taken from a Centaur reprint of the second editions (London, 1965 ). Pagination differs from original imprints. Also see F M van Helmont, The Paradoxal Discourseschrw(133) concerning the Macrocosm and Microcosm (London, 1685 ) p. 114.
5. Bumet, Sacred Theory, bk. III, ch. 7 (pp. 270–8 ).