1. Gunnink, J. W., Verbruggen, M. L. C. E. and Vogelesang, L. B., ARALL, a light weight structural material for impact and fatigue sensitive structures, Paper 89, Tenth European Rotor craft Forum, August 28–31, 1984, The Hague, The Netherlands, also Vertica, 10, No. 2 (1986), 241–254.
2. Gunnink, J. W., Vogelesang, L. B. and Schijve, J., Application of a new hybrid material (ARALL) in aircraft structures, ICAS-82-2.6.1, 13th ICAS-conference, Seattle, August 1982, pp. 990–1000.
3. Verbruggen, M. L. C. E., Aramid reinforced aluminium laminates: ARALL adhesion problems and environmental effects, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1987.
4. Bucci, R. J., Mueller, L. N., Schultz, R. W. and Prohaska, J. L., ARALL laminates—results from a cooperative test program, Alcoa Laboratories, presented at Advanced Materials Technology 87, 32nd International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, April 1987.
5. Vogelesang, L. B. and Gunnink, J. W., ARALL: a materials challenge for the next generation of aircraft, Materials and Design, 7, No. 6 (1986), November/December.