1. Adler, T. J., Modelling Non-Work Travel Patterns, Ph. D. Thesis, Transportation Systems Division, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1976.
2. Adler, T. J. and M. Ben-Akiva, “A Joint-Choice Model for Frequency, Destination and Travel Mode for Shopping Trips,” TRR 569, 1975.
3. Alan M. Voorhees and Associates, Inc. and Cambridge Systematics, Inc., Auto Restricted Zones: Background and Visibility, Phase I Report, UMTA, 1976.
4. Antle, L. and R. Haynes, An Application of Discriminant Analysis to the Division of Traffic Between Transport Modes, Report 71–72, U.S. Army Eng. Institute for Water Resources, 1971.
5. Atherton, T. and M. Ben-Akiva, “Transferability and Updating of Disaggregate Travel Demand Models,” TRR 610, 1976.