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2. Current Status of British Standards for Health Physics and Reactor Physics Dosimetry. Lakey, J R A Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, England SE10 9NN Austin, N Rolls Royce, Derby, England Paper 311, 29th Annual Meeting, Health Physics Society, New Orleans, 1984.
3. The Need for Accuracy Requirements in Health Physics and Physics Dosimetry Practices. Gold, R; Carpenter, G D HEDL, PO Box 1970, Richland, WA 99352 Paper 309, 29th Annual Meeting, Health Physics Society, New Orleans, 1984.
4. Shielding Experimental Methods Maienschein, F C; Muckenthaler, F J Oak Ridge National Lab, TN Department of Energy Nov 78, 13p, Contract: W-7405-ENG-26, FBR shielding seminar, Obninsk, USSR, 13 Nov 1978.
5. The Radiation Shielding Information Center: A source of Computer Codes and Data for Dosimetry Applications. Trubey, D K; Maskewitz, B F; Roussin, R W Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory PO Box X, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2008. Paper 315, 29th Annual Meeting, Health Physics Society, New Orleans, 1984.