1. See J. Palca, “A Word to the Wise,” in The Hastings Center Report,24 (March-April 1994): 5 (hereafter cited as Palca, Word).
2. S. Brownlee, “The Baby Chase: Millions of Couples Have Infertility Problems, and Many Try High-Tech Remedies. But Who Minds the Price Clinics They Turn to?” in News World Report 117:22 (1994): 84–90 (hereafter cited as Brownlee, Baby Chase).
3. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rate in the United States: 1995 National Summary and Fertility Clinic Report (Atlanta, GA: Government Printing Office, 1997) (hereafter cited as CDC, Success Rate).
4. See, Office of Technology Assessment, Infertility: Medical and Social Choices (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988) (hereafter cited as OTA, Infertility); W. D. Mosher and W. F. Pratt, Fecundity and Infertility in the United States, 1965–1988 (Hyattsville, Md.: National Center for Health Statistics, 1990 ); and World Health Organization, Recent Advances in Medically Assisted Conception ( Geneve: WHO, 1992 ).
5. Subcommittee on Health and The Environment, Fertility Clinic Services (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1992), p. 16 (hereafter cited as SHE, Fertility).