1. Margaret Gilbert, Sociality and Responsibility ( Totowa: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000 ), p. 152.
2. Burleigh T. Wilkins, Terrorism and Collective Responsibility ( London: Routledge, 1992 ), p. 97.
3. Joel Feinberg, Doing and Deserving ( Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970 ), p. 223.
4. This condition is related to the notion of collective feelings of guilt based on collective wrong doing. For an incisive discussion of collective guilt, see Margaret Gilbert, “Group Wrongs and Guilt Feelings,” The Journal of Ethics, 1 (1997), pp. 65–84.
5. This notion of collective fault ((i), (v)-(vi)) is borrowed from Feinberg’s notion of individual liability [See Feinberg, Doing and Deserving,p. 2221.