1. Aschbacher, M., On doubly transitive permutation groups of degree n Ξ 2 mod 4, Illinois J. Math., 16 (1972) 276–279.
2. Aschbacher, M., Doubly transitive groups in which the stabilizer of two points is abelian, J. Algebra, 18 (1971) 114–136.
3. Aschbacher, M., A condition for the existence of a strongly embedded subgroup, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 38 (1973) 509–511.
4. Aschbacher, M., F-Sets and permutation groups, to appear.
5. Aschbacher, M., 2-Transitive groups whose 2-point stabilizer has 2-rank 1, to appear.