1. R.M. Boothby And T.M. Williams, European Applied Research Reports, 5 (2), 121, (1983).
2. J.J. Stephens And R.O. Pohl, Nucl. Eng. Design, 47, 125 (1978).
3. P.B. Woouam and I.G. Pugh, in “Deconmissioning of Nuclear Facilities ” (IAEA Vienna, 1979 ) p. 353.
4. R.I. Smith, G.J. Konzek And W.E. Kennedy, NURBG/CT-0130, (Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1978 ).
5. V.K. Sikka, A.J. Moorhead And C.R. Brinkman, ASTM STP 679, (1979), p. 69