1. A B Lovins, Soft Energy Paths: Toward a Durable Peace, Harper & Row (NY), 1979,
2. A B Lovins, Soft Energy Paths: Toward a Durable Peace Pelican (UK), 1977, pp 63–66.
3. A B Lovins, I.79 supplement to 20–21.XI.79 testimony on Federal subsidies to nuclear power, available from IPSEP, 124 Spear St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA, (415) 495–5210.
4. F Krause, “Energieversorgung der Bundesrepublik ohne Kernenergie und Erdöl”, Öko-Institut (Schönauerstr 3, 7800 Freiburg i Br), XII.79; see details in “Wirtschaftswachstum bei sinkendem Energieverbrauch”, id, 1980; summarized Soft En Notes 2:82–5 (1979).
5. A B Lovins, “Re-Examining the Nature of the ECE Energy Problem”, ECE(XXXIII)/2.I.G., UN Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva), I.78, reprinted En Policy 7:178–198 (IX.79).