1. Calame, O., ed., 1982. High-precision Earth-rotation and Earth-Moon dynamics: lunar distances and related observations. D. Reidel Publishing Company.
2. Wilkins, G. A., 1980a. A note on the origin, objectives and programme of Project MERIT. In “Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics”, E. M. Gaposchkin and B. Kolaczek (eds.), 275–6.
3. Wilkins, G. A., ed., 1980b. A review of the techniques to be used during Project Merit to monitor the rotation of the Earth. Published by the Royal Greenwich Observatory and by the Institut fur Angewandte GeodHsie, Frankfurt.
4. Wilkins, G. A., 1981. Report on the Merit Workshop. CSTG Bulletin No 3, 35–40.
5. Wilkins, G. A., and M. Feissel, eds., 1981. Project MERIT: Report on the short campaign with observations and results on earth-rotation during 1980 August-October. To be published by the Royal Greenwich Observatory.