1. Antonelli, L., Agricultural and forestry wastes pyrolytic conversion. In Energy from Biomass 4, Proceedings of the Third Contractors’ Meeting, Paestum, 25–27 May 1988, ed. G. Grassi, D. Pirrwitz & H. Zibetta. Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1989, p. 485.
2. Antonelli, L., Improvement of pyrolysis products: bio-oil and biocarbon/emulsion and slurries. In Energy from Biomass 4, Proceedings of the Third Contractors’ Meeting, Paestum, 25–27 May 1988, ed. G. Grassi, D. Pirrwitz & H. Zibetta. Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1989, p. 531.
3. Antonelli, L., Improvement of Pyrolysis Conversion Technology Utilising Agricultural and Forestry Wastes. EEC Contract No. EN3B-0121-1, Interim and Final Reports, 1988, 1989.
4. Manufacturers’ literature: ALTEN Consortium, Via Monte Carmelo 5, 0166 Roma, Italy.