1. R. Lansing, „Some Legal Questions of Peace Conference,“ A.J.I.L., Vol. XIII (1919), p. 640.
2. G.A., O.R., First Sess. Pt. II, Fourth Comm., SR., Part I, A/C. 4/85, 11 December 1946, pp. 160-161.
3. The literature on this subject is extensive but the following sources may be consulted for details: Quincy Wright, op. cit., pp. 319-339; M. Baroudi: Les problemes juridiques con-cernant l’administration des communautes sous Mandat (Geneva: Imprimerie Genevoise, 1949, Thesis No. 470), pp. 35ff; Hans Kelsen, op. cit., pp. 688-694; H. D. Hall, „International Trusteeship,“ British Year Book of International Law, Vol. XXIV, 1947, pp. 48-56; D. S. Leeper, „Sovereignty over Mandated and Trust Territories,“ Michigan Law Review, Vol. 49, 1951, pp. 1199-1210; L. Comisetti, Mandats et souverainete (Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1934), pp. 93-115; W. Abendroth: Die völkerrechtliche Stellung der B und C Mandate, (Breslau: Marcus, 1936, Thesis,) pp. 120-161.
4. Min. P.M.C., Memorandum on Land Tenure by D. F. W. van Rees, III Sess., 1923, Annex 2, p. 222.
5. Ibid., X, Sess., 1926, p. 84.