1. For a general discussion see: Skotheim, T.A.(ed.), Handbook of Conducting Polymers, Dekker, New York, 1986, vol.1
2. For a general discussion see: Skotheim, T.A. (ed.), Handbook of Conducting Polymers, Dekker, New York, 1986, vol.2
3. Wiley, in press;M Gussoni,1990
4. Zerbi, G. (1963), ‘Vibrational Spectra of High Polymers’ in E.G. Brame (ed.), Applied Spectr. Revs, Dekker, New York, vol. 2, p. 193.
5. Zerbi, G., (1983), ‘Probing the Real Structure of Chain Molecules by Vibrational Spectroscopy. Some Recent Aspects’ in Adv.in Chemistrty Series, American Chemical Society, 203, 487.