1. D.J. Abel; A B+/-tree structure for large quadtrees, Comput. Vision Graphics Image Process., 27, 1: July 1984, 19–31.
2. H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and M.V.S. Ramanath; Determination of the three-dimensional border by repeated elimination of internal surfaces, Computing 32, 4: October 1984, 279–295.
3. H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and M.V.S. Ramanath; Improvements to arecent three-dimensional-border algorithm, Pattern Recognition 18, 3–4: March 1985, 215–226.
4. H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and T.R.S. Walsh; Counting regions, holes, and their nesting level in time proportional to the border, Comput. Vision, Graphics Image Process. 29, 2: February 1985, 196–215.
5. H.H. Atkinson, I. Gargantini, and M.V.S. Ramanath; Determination of cavities in three-dimensional-objects, Proc. 4th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Trondheim, June 1985, 913–920.