1. Ahlstrom, E. H., 1940. A revision of the rotatorian genera Brachionus and Platyias with descriptions of one new species and two new varieties. Bull. amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 77: 148–184.
2. Ahlstrom, E. H., 1943. A revision of the rotatorian genus Keratella with descriptions of three new species and five new varieties. Bull. amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 80: 411–457.
3. Chengalath, R., 1984. Synopsis Speciorum: Rotifera. Bibliographia Invertebratorum Aquaticorum Canadensium 3. National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 102 pp.
4. Chengalath, R. & C. H. Fernando, 1973. The planktonic Rotifera of Ontario with records of distribution and notes on some morphological variation. Can. Field-Nat. 87: 267–277.
5. Chengalath, R. & W. Koste, 1983. Rotifera from northeastern Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Hydrobiologia 104: 49–56.