1. D. Arnal: “Moyal product and representations of nilpotent groups”.(preprint)
2. F. Bayen, M.Flato, C. Fronsdal, A. Lichnerowicz, D. Sternheimer: “Deformation theory and quantization”. Ann.Physics 111, 1, 1978, p. 61–151.
3. M. Cahen, M. De Wilde, S. Gutt: “Local cohomology of the algebra of C∞ functions on a symplectic manifold”. L.M.P. 4 (1980) p.157–167.
4. M. Cahen, S. Gutt: “Regular * representations of compact Lie groups” (to be published in L.M.P.)
5. C. Fronsdal: “Somme ideas about quantization”. Reports in Math.Physics 15 (1978) p. 111–145.