1. R. Kamo, W. Bryzik and P. Glance “TACOM/Cummins Adiavatic Engine Program” SAE Paper 830314
2. H. Kawamura & S. Yamamoto “Improvement of Diesel Engine Startability by Ceramic Glow Plug Start System” SAE Paper 830580
3. H. Matsuoka, H. Kawamura and S. Toeda “Development of Ceramic Pre-Combustion Chamber for Automotive Diesel Engine” SAE Paper 840426
4. K. Katayama, M. Sasaki and T. Itoh “Development of Ceramic Turbine Rotors” ASME 88-GT-282
5. H. Kawamura “Study of Construction and Tribology in Heat Insulated Ceramic Engine” SAE Paper 900624