1. Markus O. Speidel, “Current Understanding of Stress Corrosion Crack Growth in Aluminum Alloys”, in “The Theory of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Alloys”, J. Scully, ed. N.A.T.O. Scietific Affairs Division, Brussels, 1971
2. R.H. Brown, D.O. Sprowls, M.B. Shumaker, “The Resistance of Wrought High Strength Aluminum Alloys to Stress Corrosion Cracking”, ASTM STP 518, (1972) pp. 87–118
3. Markus O. Speidel, “Stress Corrosion Cracking of Aluminum Alloys”, Met. Trans, Vol. 6A (1975)p. 631–651
4. M.O. Speidel and M.V. Hyatt, “Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Aluminum Alloys”, in “Advances in Corrosion Science and Technology”, Vol. 2, Plenum Press, New York, 1972
5. Markus O. Speidel et al., “Corrosion Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Crack Growth ….”, in “Corrosion Fatigue”, NACE-2, pp. 324–345, NACE, Houston, Texas, 1972