1. M. Prettre and B.Claudel, Elements of Chemical Kinetics, Gordon and Breach (1970)
2. M. Boudart, Kinetics of Chemical Processes, Prentice Hall (1968)
3. J.E. Germain, in “La Catalyse au Laboratoire et dans 1’Industrie”, Masson (1967), p. 45
4. M. Breysse, B.Claudel, M.Prettre and J.Veron, J. Catal. 24, 106 (1972)
5. D.H. Bangham and E.P. Burt, Proc. Roy. Soc., A 105, 481 (1924) D.H. Bangham and W. Sever, Phil. Mag. 49, 935 (1925)