1. Allais, Maurice: 1943, A la Recherche d’une Discipline Economique, Premiere Partie: L’Economie Pure. (In Quest of an Economic Discipline, Part I, Pure Economics), Chapter II, Satisfactions Absolues (Cardinal utility), p. 156–177.
2. Allais, Maurice: Ateliers Industria, 852–p. and Annexes, 68 p. Second edition under the title: Traite d’Economie Pure (Treatise on Pure Economics)
3. Allais, Maurice: Imprimerie Nationale 1952, 5 Vol., 1000 pages (the second edition is identical ot the first, apart from the addition of a new introduction, 63 p.)
4. Allais, Maurice: 1951, Notes Theoriques sur l’Incertitude de l’Avenir et le Risque (Theoretical Notes on the Uncertainty of the Future and Risk), Paper submitted to, the European Econometric Congress, Louvain, Centre d’Analyse Economique, 72 p.
5. Allais, Maurice: 1952*, Fondements d’une Theorie des Choix Comportant un Risque (Foundations of a Theory of Random Choice), Colloque International de Paris sur les Fondements et Applications de la Theorie du Risque en Econometrie, Paris, 12–17 Mai