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2. Engvold, O. and Andersen T.: 1990, Status of the Design of the Large Earth-based Solar Telescope. LEST Foundation
3. Jefferies, J.T.: 1994, in Infrared Solar Physics, IAU Symp. 154, D.M. Rabin, J.T. Jefferies and C. Lindsey (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 1
4. Keller, C.U., Aebersold, F., Egger, U., Povel, H.P., Steiner, O. and Stenflo, J.O.: 1992, LEST Technical Report 53
5. Keller, C.U., Bernasconi, P.N., Egger, U., Povel, H.P., Steiner, O. and Stenflo, J.O.: 1993a, LEST Newsletter 1, 4