1. ASTM references: see Appendix 4.
2. Atkins, D.H.F., Sandalls, J., Law, D.V., Hough, A.M., Stevenson, K. (1986) The measurement of nitrogen dioxide in the outdoor environment using passive diffusion tube samples. R 12133, AERE, Oxfordshire, UK.
3. Axelrod, H.0., Lodge, J.P. (1976) Sampling and calibration of gaseous pollutants. In Air Pollution, Vol. Ill: Measuring Monitoring and Surveillance of Air Pollution, (ed. A.C. Stern), pp. 145–182. Academic Press, New York.
4. Bedborough, D.R. (1980) Sensory measurements of odour. In Odour Control, A Concise Guide, (ed. F.H.H. Valentin, A.A. North). Warren Spring Laboratory, Dept. of Industry, Stevanage, UK.
5. Bergert, K.H., Betz, V., Pruggmayer, D. (1974) Investigation of volatile organic micropollutants in air and water using low temperature capillary GC-MS. Chromatographia, 7, 115–121.