1. Aristotle (various dates), The Works of Aristotle translated into English, W. D. Ross, ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press.
2. Aubrey, J. ([ca 1680] 1949), Aubrey’s Brief Lives, O. L. Dick, ed., London: Secker & Warburg.
3. Bacon, F. (1857), The Works of Francis Bacon, vol. 1, J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis & D. D. Heath, eds., London: Longman and Co., etc.
4. Bacon, F. ([1620] 1960), The New Organon and Related Writings, F. H. Anderson, ed., Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing.
5. Bianchi, L. (1984), L’ Errore di Aristotele: La Polemica contro l’ Eternita del Mondo nel XIII Secolo, Florence: La Nuova Italia.