1. W.J. Weber, R.P. Turcotte, F.P. Roberts, Radioactive Waste Management, 2, 295 (1982).
2. F. Lanza, A. Manara, M. Antonini, F. Van Rutten, Proc, of Intern. Seminar on Chemistry and Process Engineering for High Level Liquid Waste Solidification, June 1981, Ed. R. Odoj, E. Merz, p. 733.
3. M. Antonini, P. Camagni, F. Lanza, A. Manara, Scientific basis for nuclear waste management, Vol.2 (1980) Northrup Ed., p.127.
4. A.R. Hall, J.T. Dalton, B. Hudson, J.A.C. Marples, Management of radioactive wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle, Vol. 2 (1976) p. 3.
5. F.P. Roberts, G.H. Jerks, C.D. Bopp, Radiation effects in solidified high level waste, BWL-1944, UC-70 (1976).