1. Barry, P.J. (1987), Urn models, recursive curve schemes, and computer aided geometric design, Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Math., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City.
2. Barry, P.J., De Boor-Fix functionals and polar forms, to appear in Computer Aided Geometric Design.
3. Barry, P.J., DeRose, A.D., and Goldman, R.N., B-splines, Polya curves, and duality, submitted for publication.
4. Barry, P.J. and Goldman, R.N. (1988), A recursive evaluation algorithm for a class of Catmull-Rom splines, Computer Graphics: Proceedings Siggraph’88, 22, 199–204.
5. Barry, P.J. and Goldman, R.N. (1989), Three examples of dual properties of Bezier curves, in Tom Lyche and Larry Schumaker (eds.), Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 61–69.