1. Aaviksoo, K.(1997) Personal communication.
2. Büttner, G. (1997) Computer assisted verification and correction of CORINE Land Cover photointerpretation, Phare
CORINE/EEA Newsletter 6, 8–11.
3. . Buttner, G., Maucha, G., Biró M.(1998) Land Cover change detection using the CORINE methodology. Resources and Environmental Monitoring, ISPRS
4. Commission VII Symposium, Budapest 1998 (International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. XXXII Part 7), 685–690.
5. Dewos, W.(1997) The first CORINE Phare inventories CD-ROM is ready. Phare
CORINE/EEA Newsletter
5 18.