Cuban/US Research Interactions Since 1995
Springer Netherlands
Reference9 articles.
1. Diaz-Arencibia, P., I. Hernandez-Calderon, L.M. Hernandez-Ramirez, and M.C. Tamargo. 2000a. A two-level model for intra-well exciton migration in Zn1-xCdxSe quantum wells. Physica Status Solidi B 220: 27.
2. Diaz-Arencibia, P., I. Hernandez-Calderon, L.M. Hernandez-Ramirez, and M.C. Tamargo. 2000b. Photoluminescence properties of intra-well exciton migration in ZnCdSe quantum wells. Microelectronics Journal 31: 443.
3. Diaz-Arencibia, P., I. Hernandez-Calderon, L.M. Hernandez-Ramirez, and M.C. Tamargo. 2000c. Temperature dependence of exciton localization in ZnCdSe quantum wells. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 18: 1526.
4. Larramendi, E.M., O. de Melo, M.H. Velez, and M.C. Tamargo. 2004. Absorption, desorption and interdiffusion in atomic layer epitaxy of CdTe and CdZnTe. Journal of Applied Physics 96: 7164.
5. Muñoz, Martín, Shiping Guo, Xuecong Zhou, Maria C. Tamargo, Y.S. Huang, C. Trallero-Giner, and A.H. Rodríguez. 2003. Contactless electroreflectance of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters 83: 4399.