1. Especially the works of F. C. Beiser are profound and a ‘must’ for anyone interested in neo-Kantianism. The German standard work on neo-Kantianism is the book by K. C. Köhnke. For anyone wanting to trace present-day influences of neo-Kantianism, the book New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism (2015, ed. by N. De Warren and A. Staiti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), is recommended
2. Beiser FC (2009) Normativity in neo-Kantianism: its rise and fall. Int J Philos Stud 17:9–27
3. Beiser FC (2013) Late German Idealism: Trendelenburg and Lotze. Oxford University Press, Oxford
4. Beiser FC (2014) The genesis of neo-Kantianism, 1796–1880. Oxford University Press, Oxford
5. Cohen H (1885) Kants Theorie der Erfahrung, 2nd edn. Ferdinand Dümmler, Berlin