1. Petterssen, S., 1969: Introduction to meteorology. Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 333 pp.
2. Wallace, J.M. and P.V. Hobbs, 1977: Atmospheric science. An introductory survey. Academic Press, New York, 467 pp.
3. Kraus, E.B., 1972: Atmosphere-ocean interaction. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 275 pp.
4. Haugen D.A.,(Editor) 1973: Workshop on micrometeorology. American Met. Soc., Boston, 392 pp.
5. Nieuwstadt, F.T.M. and H. van Dop (Editors), 1982: Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution modelling. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 358 pp.